VOIS – Virtual Open Innovation Environment for SMEs
Project number: 2021-1-DE02-KA202-VET_000034201
Implementation period: 01.01.2022 – 30.06.2024
Funding program: Erasmus+
About the project
Factors such as changing market conditions, digitalisation and the emergence of the Internet of Things, require from SMEs the reinvention of their value proposition to secure their survival which is often threatened by a lack of capability to innovate and compete on the global market. Currently, open innovation (OI) competencies are rare in SMEs and, if present, are usually limited to high-tech sectors. The VOIS partnership has developed a comprehensive Virtual Open Innovation Environment allowing SMEs to effectively improve their OI competencies and their ability to implement open innovation in their firms. To this end, the Virtual OI Environment proposes 3 specific areas with opportunities for SMEs to enhance their competencies: Area 1 – Organisational Area, Area 2 – Individual Development Area and Area 3 – Open Innovation Repository. The main project result consists in an Integrated Virtual Open Innovation Environment with a methodology and tools for capacitating SME managers in Agro-Food and Bioeconomy sectors to engage and benefit from open innovation by following a comprehensive modular development programme (more details in section: Results).
