VOIS - Area 2 - Module 6


Module 6: Adaptability and flexibility




Adaptability and flexibility are considered as examples of soft skills supporting Open Innovation. Employees who deal with the innovation process in the company should have this competency developed at a high level. The complexity and dynamic of the working environment put every employee in a situation that requires these qualities to cope with working conditions . For managers adaptability and flexibility are the must-have skills. To understand the meaning of adaptability and flexibility for managers who deal with Open Innovation you need to be aware of the conditions that influence competencies requirements. Adaptability and flexibility are necessary soft skills for dealing with new or different situations, ideas, or problems in the workplace. These competencies are important to effectively deal with innovation.


    Upon completing this module, you should be able to:

  • Explain the link between the adaptability and flexibility of their employees and themselves and company innovativeness
  • Self-evaluate their own adaptability and flexibility
  • Describe the role of adaptability and flexibility in a competency model for Open Innovation
  • Describe the resource-based model of adaptability
  • Prepare and apply their strategy for developing adaptability and flexibility skills
  1. Training Content
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Adaptability and flexibility – Developing your skills – University of Bradford, https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/careers-cra/information-moved/cra-competencies-standardized-assessment-tools/canada-revenue-agency-competencies-april-2016/adaptability.html

Bamel U. (2015), Managerial effectiveness: an Indian experience, Journal of Management Development 34(2):202-22)

Baregheh, A., Rowley, J., Sambrook, S., (2009), Towards a multidisciplinary definition of innovation, Management Decision, Vol. 47, No. 8, pp. 1323-1339.

Calarco A., (2020), Adaptable leadership what it takes to be a quick-change artist, Center for Creative Leadership



Importance Of Flexibility And Adaptability: 11 Super Points (icytales.com)

Lavrynenko A., Shmatko N., Meissner D., (2018), Managing skills for Open Innovation: the case of biotechnology”, Management Decision, 56(6)

Podmetina  D., Soderquist K.E., Petraite M., and Teplov  R., (2018), Developing a competency model for Open Innovation from the individual to the organisational level, Management Decision 56(2).

Quinn R., Fearman S., Thompson M., McGrath M., (2007),  Profesjonalne zarządzanie: kluczowe kompetencje kierownicze, Warszawa, Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne,

Trompenaars, F., (2012), Kultura innowacji, Oficyna a Wolters Kluwer business, Warszawa.

van Dam C. (2013), Employee adaptability to change at work: A multidimensional, resource-based framework, Predicting employees’ reactions to change: individual factors, Cambridge University Press